Board Members
Chris Arnold
Was born in Anacortes, Wa. in the winter of ’84. He has lived on Lopez all of his life and attended Lopez schools where he studied and developed an enthusiasm for mechanical sciences, engineering and drafting. He graduated in ’02 and enrolled in the Electronics and Computer Technology programs at the DeVry Institute of Technology. He also studied Computer, Electrical Engineering and Robotics at DeVry and holds a Broadcast and Technician license granted by the FCC. The Arnold family has signed a letter of agreement allowing KLOI to use the front 45 feet of their property for the antenna and studio of KLOI allowing Chris to be an onsite technician when he is not working at his day job.
Kathy Booth
Kathy was born in Philadelphia, PA and is the oldest of a family of nine children. Her mother was an avid radio fan; the radio was always on 24/7 in her home. Growing up, she remembers her mother repeating dialog from the (now) old-time radio shows, such as The Shadow—“Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” (followed by a sinister laugh…)
In her professional life, Kathy taught school for over 30 years in Pennsylvania and Texas and retired from Texas public education in 2004, the same year that she and her husband Ken purchased property on Lopez. She spent several years working for an educational technology company, developing training materials for teachers. She has been teaching at Lopez Island School since 2011. She shares her technology skills with KLOI as she helps with the “invisible” technical workings of the radio station. Kathy is now employed as a teacher at Lopez Island School.
Kathy is committed to the concept of community radio and the opportunity to give Lopezians a venue for their voices to be heard as a Gathering of Island Voices and Expressions (GIVE) otherwise know as KLOI.
Jacques Tate
Dixie Budke
Colin Walker
Carol Steckler (Founding member February 2, 1942-April 30, 2023)
I have been an avid radio listener for well over half a century, beginning as a four year old at my grandmother’s table on Saturday mornings listening intently to WCCO’s “Buster Brown Show”. When my family lived in a large army tent without electricity or running water (when we first moved to Lopez) a battery powered radio connected me to the larger world, Garrison Keeler, Noel Adams were familiar voices. Currently I listen to 1090 A.M.and the voice of Al Franken in the morning, KUOW early morning news as I drive to work and all day Saturday. This American Life and Alternative Radio have provided an often poignant, thoughtful informative window into other peoples perspectives and experiences. I have supported this radio habit for the last twenty years as a social worker at Catholic Community Services. I have been an active community builder on Lopez for almost thirty years. I have worked with the Lopez Community Land Trust from its beginning, serving as chair of the board for six years. I have founded two elementary alternative schools; ARC in the Lopez School District and Room Nine in the Shoreline School District. I have produced and directed six community theater productions on Lopez and plan to do more. I have been privileged to work and live in communities where social justice has been a core value for many, I believe KLOI will deepen and widen that commitment.
Ken Booth